Books on Voluntary Simplicity
We are often asked for additional
information on voluntary simplicity. Although we have never found any
book that completely reflects our personal form of simplicity, there are
a number of books that have helped us clarify our own thinking on the
subject. We recommend going to your local library and borrowing these
However, if you insist upon actually
having your own copy, we have made arrangements with Amazon.com
that will allow you to buy them directly from our web page. The beauty
of this arrangement is that you get the same great price and service
from Amazon books as if you had spent the time to search them out there
yourself, and we get a small commission that we guarantee you
will go into our travel fund. Feel free to help us see the world!
Thanks- Clay and Judy
- Your
Money or Your Life : Transforming Your Relationship With Money and
Achieving Financial Independence
Joe Dominguez Price: $10.36
There's a big difference between "making a living" and making
a life. Do you spend more than you earn? Do you dislike your job but
can't afford to leave it? Is money fragmenting your time, your relationships
with family and friends? If so, Your Money or Your Life is for you.
It puts it all in perspective and may give you that spark you
need to change it all. This is one of our favorites.
- Getting
a Life : Real Lives Transformed by Your Money or Your Life
by Jacqueline Blix, David Heitmiller, Jacquelyn Blix Price:
This is a companion to Your Money or Your Life and explains
how the authors as well as two dozen other individuals and families
have gradually transformed their lives over the past six years by
using the books 9 step program.
- Voluntary
Simplicity : Toward a Way of Life That Is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly
Rich - By Duane Elgin Price: $8.00
The grand-daddy of simplicity books. Voluntary Simplicity is not a
book about living in poverty; it is a book about living with balance.
It shows the pattern of changes that an increasing number of
Americans are making in their everyday lives. Although sometimes
dated, it is often given credit for naming and defining the movement.
- The
Simple Living Guide : A Sourcebook for Less Stressful, More
Living - By Janet Luhrs Price:
Luhrs, the founder and publisher of Simple Living Journal,
has assembled a big book that covers nearly all the bases: time
management, families, money management, work, clutter, and gardening.
Circle of Simplicity : Return to the Good Life
by Cecile Andrews - Price: $14.00
The Circle of Simplicity speaks to readers seeking to
find greater peace and happiness by eliminating some of the clutter
and distraction
in their lives. Andrews offers detailed instructions on how to form
and run a simplicity circle, a support group for the terminally harried.
Her book emphasizes the value of slowing down as a way to find time
to reconnect with a community. Although we have never read this book
we have had several people recommend it.
- Keeping
Life Simple - by Karen Levine
Price: $7.96
The book's seven guiding principles help you assess what's really
satisfying. It then discusses half-a-dozen areas in which we can live
creatively and simply (food, housing, clothing, celebrations, etc.).
For each area, after a brief discussion of what is meaningful and
needful in that area, Levine presents letters from many different
people detailing specific things they did or changes they made in
trying to work out the values of voluntary simplicity in their lives.
If you find a good book on voluntary
simplicity, please let us know about it!
The following are books that have
been recommended by others - we have not read them ourselves. Thanks
to everyone who has sent us the titles of books they have enjoyed and
found useful.
the Simple Life
Bricks and Mortar
Your Stepping Stones
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Judy Woods
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